Thursday, January 05, 2006


So there goes my first New Year resolution

1. Blog daily!

Not going to share anymore because believe it or not ritual humiliation has never been my thing (now now Liz).

I was reminded by K last night about my blogging habits of late "do you know the last time you blogged was November" well yes actually I did and was kind of trying to forget it.

The problem is finding a title to match the events of the day. No honest I’m telling the truth give me a title and I’m away. Hey perhaps people could suggest a whole load of titles for me and then all I need to do is blog using or making reference to the title somewhere in the blog. It could be a whole new on line word game.

Let me give you an example of my problem. I went with Liz and K to see Rufus Wainwright back in December, had a great blog title "Oh what a world" reference to a Rufus track for the uninitiated, and lo and behold Liz pinches it, hence the blog never happened. Still I'm going to post a picture well one of Liz's pictures anyway just to make the point that the distinct lack of heads in front of us is down to us being on row C. Hello to anyone sat behind us hope you enjoyed from far away.

So now you know my problem, it’s not that I don't want to share news or thoughts or indeed that I have none to share it’s just down to a small matter of a title. I promise to try harder though I guess I have made them before so I think it is a case of watch and wait. Blast an advent blog title and I'm too late oh well there's one stored for next year, hang on though with some adaptation I could use it at Easter mmmmmm!


At 1:53 pm, Blogger 1 i z said...

Og great so it looks like you might just about manage a blog once every church festival eh?

Hmmm maybe we do need to think up some titles for you... [evil mind starts thinking]...

Oh and btw, I'd like to make it clear, that I didn't "pinch" your Rufus title - it's just that great minds think alike.

At 7:56 pm, Blogger Caroline said...

how about....Monday, tuesday, get the drift. they'll do me fine!

At 2:54 pm, Blogger sally said...

Just get it all down, all the thoughts, worry about the title later....

At 8:18 pm, Blogger homileo said...

Stuart get with the program! Enjoy your news and thoughts. Post man post!


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