Saturday, January 21, 2006

Kind of Silly, Kind of Sad.

I started watching the whole whale story evolve on sky news yesterday. It got me thinking how stupid this was, of all the tradgedies happening around the world, here we were focussed upon a whale swimming in the Thames. Yet as I watched today somehow the story, the whale, the drama drew me in. I was rooting for the whale to make it, to survive against all odds. Swimmining up the Thames yesterday it must have had no idea how, for a short time it would bring people together, their differences put to one side, their busy lives stopped.

Together hoping for something better, perhaps for the whale, perhaps deep down within themselves, they longed for a world where this was all that mattered. A world where caring was more important than always being right and the welfare of others more important than having all you desire.

‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’

Swim free, swim deep and may God bless all our dreaming till God's kingdom comes for good.


At 1:14 pm, Blogger 1 i z said...

Not sure our party was quite as caught up in it as this. On getting the news that the end had come (whale apparently had convulsions - how the hell do you hold a whale down?), the main speculations was on a) how were they going to break the news to the parents waiting at Southend? b)how many days you had to deal with the carcass before the gas build up would cause the whale to explode (this being a real risk it seems)? and c) would it be a goodwill gesture to drop the carcass off at the doorstep of the Japanese Embassy?

Heartless lot aren't we?


PS Did you notice how the length of young Willy kept changing over time? Typical - you can't trust people when they tell you how big a fish is...

At 6:01 pm, Blogger Stuart said...

The latest news on sky is that the whale is to go to the museum. Well it would be a shame to swim all that way and see none of the sights!


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