Friday, March 10, 2006


Picture sums up just how I feel. But it's a good tired. Church really busy at the moment but I feel that I am now making progress and really starting to build relationships. The churches I work in are very different (socially) to the ones I worked in during my first two years, so it took some adjusting but now things seem to have started to bear fruit and I am having a ball. Lawrence asked me how I intended to share my views to a wider URC audience. Guess I would want answer that by saying that this blog is very much for me and friends and not so much a forum for doing that. However, I would consider perhaps investigating the possibility of a new blog to do that or do it through the churches blog found here. For the time being however I will just continue to ramble on with my own thoughts and reflections to the select little audience who visit frequently or infrequently as the mood takes.


At 6:35 pm, Blogger sally said...

I visit here far more frequently than you do.....nice to hear from you!xxx

At 10:15 pm, Blogger Caroline said...

sally took the words right out of my finger-tips....
glad things are going well...get some rest tho!

At 11:10 pm, Blogger Rainbow dreams said...

I'm pleased you're reaping some rewards for your hard work - sounds good :-)

At 1:21 pm, Blogger 1 i z said...

Those of us with feed readers just visit here as often as you bother to...

Mind you I've been a bit slack myself of late.

PS has Millie had a dye job?


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