Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Did I Really Eat That Much!

Woke today feeling decididly dodgy, poorly tum so won't go into graphic detail. Before Christmas well back in November actually we joined the gym, the idea being to get fit. All was going well until Christmas arrived and with all the events at church that needed attending the gym kind of went by the wayside for 2 weeks.

I had planned for today to meet P the minister I currently am on placement with so he could talk over the coming events. Just to clarify this weekend is the first of the two weekends I go to preach with a view at 2 churches that i may potentially become minister at. Saturday we go as a family for an informal social and Sunday I preach, this is then repeated the following weekend at the other church, so as you can imagine as the time gets closer the more nervous I become.

So back to the story. The idea was we would go out, talk over the service, chill and help me prepare, then go back to my house meet P's wife and along with K go for a meal at our local Italian restraunt.

I had this bright idea P my like to join me at the gym, then make full use of the pool,spa,steam room and sauna. Did I really eat that much was the first thought through my head as I stood on the scales and oh my gosh this hurts was the second as I commenced my exercise program. Still they do say no pain, no gain (or loss in this case).

So work out complete we chilled and chatted and helped my head into the kind of place it needed to go. I am optomistic for the next couple of weeks, it feels so right.

Not only does it feel right for me but also for the rest of the family and I have never seen God playing with their emotions. Experience has taught me that God would not call me to a place where I would be happy and fullfilled if it meant my family would be miserable. I guess my reservations though are about not counting my chickens before they are hatched. P shared with me that his experience of God had always been that if something was not right the door was closed almost immediatley and that it was not dangled in front of you only for it to be taken away at the last moment. I do so hope he is right.

Anyway after our relaxation and weight loss program we went out for Italian, no problems there though cause my tummy ache kicked back in and I came home and threw up, not the weight loss program I quite had in mind!

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