Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Rob the Gnome

Are you sitting comfortably? Oh good then I will begin. I need to say that this is a story worthy of Sally's story telling ability and I feel I may fail to do it justice. However, in my defence I do have the pictures to support the words.

Rob is a pretty average guy, well to be true he is tad smaller than the average guy, which in the case of this story means he compares quite well to a gnome.

Rob was invited along with his wife to the eat all our left over food party. He had a good time i think and early on Saturday morning decided to call a taxi home. This is where the story of Rob the gnome really starts.

Just as Rob is climbing into the taxi he feels his keys leaving his pocket, this is swiftly followed by a clancing noise as they hit the grid just below where the taxi is parked. The klanging is followed by a sploosh as the keys bounce of the grate and into the murky water below. Obviously it's late Rob the gnome has had one to many glasses of Papa gnome's famous gnome juice so decides to leave key recovery to later that morning.

So early the following morning Rob the gnome returns to collect his keys.

First he tries with his Action Man bucket but sadly no luck.

Next he tries with his little fishing rod but still no luck.

Time to phone a friend, but still no luck.

Next he tries with a big grown up spade but still no luck.

Oh dear I think he's lost the spade.

Next the post man tries to help, but still no luck.

Perhaps Ray supervising with a cup of tea can help, but still no luck.

And then just as he thinks he is going to have to withdraw to his toad stool, are those the keys?

Yes Rob the gnome can now enter his home.

Hooray all's well that ends well!



At 10:14 pm, Blogger 1 i z said...

Oh I think you do the story justice. Photo journalism at its best.

We shouldn't laugh...but then if we were nice people we'd have tried to rescue them that night when Rob rang. Rather than just errr laugh.

At 5:42 pm, Blogger sally said...

Surely, Stu, there's an idea for a sermon in there somewhere..wouldn't Rob's keys replace the widow's mite???? Lovely photos, very impressed....


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