No More Needs To Be Said!
Several large glasses home at 3am up for Church(leading worship)at 8am going to bed will blog again, goodnight.
Well they made me chuckle!
I went to see the chuckle brothers in panto on Sunday the rest of panto was crap but still they made me chuckle. Kind of needed it found out on Saturday morning that my mate had been raped the night before. He is over the physical stuff but emotionally who knows how long if ever that will take to heal, prayers would be appreciated God I am sure knows him even if you all don't.
Saturday afternoon saw our Tsunami sponsered cycle ride this had been organised by the girls and so far we have raised from our family about £350 and altogether over £1000. When I had done my 14 miles (wimped out early the stallwarts did 20) I was reminded about that old yellow pages ad you know where the father looks out of the window at his son riding his new bike and utters the words " I were right about the seat".
Got home from the bike ride to find out city had been knocked out of the cup by a second division team booooooooooooo!
Tuesday night was good met Liz in the Punjab and had a good old natter over a curry. Was a bit worried at Christmas that we may have been in the Punjab a bit too often when they gave us a Christmas card Liz sulked when she found out.
Any way can't blog any longer must finish assignment for Wednesday not Saturday as I originally thought (long story) oh well I don't need three extra days anyway erm perhaps i do help!
Leave you with a picture don't know what of yet just enjoying the novelty of being able too!
Moonchester the city mascot I promised you this
last time I tried to publish pictures.